Ideas on raising donations for GnuPG, Gpg4win, and g10 code

Mauricio Tavares raubvogel at
Wed May 1 15:22:27 CEST 2019

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 1:50 AM Dan Bryant <dkbryant at> wrote:
> I was on Amazon Smile today and noticed quite a few FOSS projects were
> available to select as the source of my amazon shopping proceeds.
> Also thought that registering, and
> in the Brave Rewards program might be an interesting way to allow
> GnuPG to accept small concurrency donations.
> There may be some legal reasons, or non profit status constraints that
> might prevent these organizations from accepting donations through
> Smile or Brave, but I thought I would go ahead and make the suggestion
> on the chance that it simply hadn't been considered yet.
> AmazonSmile:
> BraveRewards:
      As far as I know, the Amazon Smile ( is for non
profit orgs (I think that means 501(c)3), so if any of the groups you
mentioned are registered as non-profit, it does not take much to add
to amazonsmile. We ( did that last year and would be
willing to help.

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