RSS/Atom for the GnuPG blog?

Phil Pennock gnupg-users at
Fri Jan 22 17:00:19 CET 2021

On 2021-01-21 at 11:46 +0100, jman wrote:
> There's no direct RSS/Atom feed (afaics). However the blog is a git
> repository [0] with a RSS/Atom feed (there's a link at the bottom of the
> page). As a workaround you subscribe to that feed (I didn't test it).

I have tested it: I use Slack with the /feed command to manage some
topic channels dedicated to RSS feeds on that topic.  This is how I
first saw the libgcrypt 1.9.0 announcement.

That feed is subscribed to:;a=rss;f=web/

Not all GnuPG related updates make it across to the doc repo in a timely
manner, but it's still a useful feed: the docs site is almost entirely
updated only for new releases so this is high signal/noise.  I have this
in my #feed-releases channel.


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