RSS/Atom for the GnuPG blog?

Werner Koch wk at
Fri Jan 22 18:10:18 CET 2021

On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 11:00, Phil Pennock said:

> That feed is subscribed to:

Interesting.  And I thought this repos is something nobody watches - so
sorry for possibly not too polite log comments.

BTW, if you are just interested in updates to our software you can check
also for updates.  Or watch the
source of this list, which is is in the gnupg-doc repo as swdb.mac.

The tool gnupg/build-aux/ might be useful for automation
tasks.  I use it as part of the release process.

Commit subject lines are also posted to twitter @gnuprivacyguard and I
tend to tweet about new gnupg versions at @gnupg.  But yes, an RSS feed
for the blog and gnupg-announce would indeed be useful.



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