PR 4 [was: Report about currently open gpgweb problem reports.]

Lorenzo Cappelletti
Thu, 22 May 2003 23:35:37 +0200

On Tue May 20 at 16:40 +0100, Noel D. Torres Ta=F1o wrote:

> PR 4 (lolo, open) deals with encoding for our webpages. In my opinion,
> we must use 7bit ASCII for the source (wml) files, and UTF8 for the
> public (html) ones.

I think your proposal is pointless.  Why having a UTF-8 encoding when
page content is 7bit ASCII?  I mean, entities are not encoded by WML,
right now.  A "ñ" entity is written out in a * file as is=20
and not as "~n".

IMHO, we should definetly use UFT-8 for both source and compiled files. =20
It's true, translators have to use UTF-8 enabled text editors, but this=20
is the encoding for the future and more and more text editors are going=20
to support it.

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