webserver requirements (was: PR 25 and PR 68)

Lorenzo Cappelletti lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 22:06:51 +0200

On Sun May 25 at 22:47 +0200, Werner Koch wrote:

> I just read the Apache docs agains and I could find anything about a
> foo.ll.html scheme for i18n.  They say, one should append the country
> code like foo.html.en .  I find this counterintuitive because the

Today, in order to set up a basic .htaccess file for Apache based
mirrors, I've read the documentation for Apache 1.3.28.  Well, it really
seems that both file.en.html and file.html.en are accepted.  Notably,
documentation about Apache shipped with Debian includes a lot of files
in file.html.xx format (see /usr/share/doc/apache/manual on your

> Before you ask: The full content negotation burns a lot of CPU due to
> frequent system calls - something I would really like to avoid.

I think that using type map method for content negotiation (please, 
refert to Apache's docs) it wouldn't burn so much CPU.

I haven't given it a try, yet, but it seems that it's as simple as
providing a file (let's say content.var) which Apache will read to
determine the available variants.  Of course, the file will be compiled 
automatically via WML.

=== content.var =====================================================
URI: index

URI: index.html.en
Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-language: en

URI: index.html.it
Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-language: it


URI: foo

URI: foo.html.en
Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-language: en


email: lorenzo.cappelletti@email.it
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