Weird locale at passphrase step

Andrei Fokau andrei at
Tue Feb 26 19:31:42 CET 2019

That command fixed it! Thanks a lot!

Still curious how it picked up the other locale... I do have russian layout
as one of the input sources but have never set locale to ru and the system
was always in English.
In some cases the agent shows another dialog that is half-english and
half-broken-cyrillic. Very weird.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:52 AM Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at>

> On Mon 2019-02-25 19:53:17 +0100, Andrei Fokau wrote:
> > I have just installed GnuPG on macOS Mojave using Homebrew. When I try to
> > generate a new key I can go through almost all steps seeing messages and
> > dialogs in English, but when it asks my passphrase, I see
>  [ image of cyrillic glyphs and U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER symbols ]
> It sounds to me like the gpg-agent process that is running on your
> system has a different locale.
> GnuPG asks the agent for a new passphrase, which in turn displays the
> prompt.
> > How do I fix this?
> unfortunately, it depends on how your gpg-agent is initialized, which we
> don't have enough information on here.  perhaps it was launched before
> your locale was set to en_US.UTF-8?
> One thing you can try as a workaround is to kill off the gpg-agent and
> it should get manually restarted on subsequent use:
>    gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
> maybe someone with more info about how MacOS and Homebrew manage
> per-user services can weigh in on better workarounds, or suggest a more
> principled fix for that platform.
>        --dkg
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